Last modified: 2019-08-12
While the literature has highlighted how corporate governance systems are embedded in their institutional contexts, the discourse on organisational changes has adopted a universal perspective. From the perspectives of institutional logics, this study promotes the understanding of the role of dominant organisational actors and institutional structuration in corporate governance reforms, within an evolving institutional setting. This study employs a qualitative research technique including in-depth interviews from key stakeholders (company regulators, listed companies and notable contributors) in the Nigerian corporate context supported by documentary research, to provide an understanding of the motivations for corporate governance reforms agenda, in this environment.
The findings disclose a lack of parallelism among relevant institutional indexes (state of the institutional mechanisms, configuration and actors’ ideology), which creates an internal propensity – ‘channel of transformation’ – contrary to the widely recognised global benchmark. Thus, corporate governance reforms in the country understudied – Nigeria – are shown to be institutionally driven rather than internationally directed.
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