AFAM Biennial Conference, 5TH BIENNIAL CONFERENCE - Nigeria 2020

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Am I included? Lessons from leadership research in Africa and the African Diaspora
Thomas Anyanje Senaji, Nicole Knight, Lemayon L Melyoki, Bella L Galperin, Terri R. Lituchy, Betty Jane Punnett, Clive M. Mukanzi Mukanzi

Last modified: 2019-07-25


We explore inclusive leadership from the perspective of effective leadership in the framework of the Leadership effectiveness in Africa and in the African Diaspora (LEAD). This paper starts with an introduction to effective leadership where inclusive leadership and its two underlying concepts – diversity and inclusivity - are explained. This is followed by an empirical literature review on leadership theories and empirical studies that have important implications for effective leadership, especially inclusive leadership. We then synthesize the literature and tease out directions for practice and future research followed by a conclusion. We particularly identify leader motivations and cultural dispositions in the African and its Diaspora contexts which have important implications for development of inclusive leadership and which call for further empirical investigation. From the review of LEAD studies, we find that leaders are motivated by respect from followers, working with people and in community development projects, while culture is described as being “accommodative”, “modesty”, tribe or ethnicity” and “belief in God”. Given the importance of inclusive leadership in the understanding of leadership effectiveness, it is suggested that future research be conducted to establish the relationship between culture, motivation and inclusive leadership to produce findings that can be used to improve predictive efficacy of motivational and cultural dispositions on inclusive leadership.


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