AFAM Biennial Conference, 5TH BIENNIAL CONFERENCE - Nigeria 2020

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Meet the Editors: Tips for Publishing in Top African and Management Journals
Lilian Otaye-Ebede, Loyila Akobo

Last modified: 2019-09-04


Publishing research conducted in Africa in top international journals remains a challenge. Some have attributed this challenge to difficulties in obtaining quality data, methodology, theoretical contributions, etc. The aim of this PDW therefore, is to advance African research through providing participants with germane tips and important insights into how to get an acceptance and publish their research in top-ranked academic journals. The half-day interactive workshop will offer participants an opportunity to hear from three leading scholars and Editors who serve and/or have served as editors, associate editors and editorial board members of leading journals such as AMJ, ASQ, JAP, Journal of Management, Human Relations, JOB, CJAS, JMS etc. It will provide an important opportunity to discuss core issues and strategies for publishing African research in top management journals. The PDW will also provide participants with an opportunity to ask pertinent questions, research dilemmas and/or concerns which they will like the editors to address. There will also be round-table discussions providing participants with an opportunity to share experiences, network, and get important feedback on their current research projects or papers in progress.


Conference registration is required in order to view papers.