The Africa Academy of Management 2019 Africa Faculty Development Workshop
The Africa Academy of Management (AFAM) is seeking proposals to host its Africa Faculty Development Workshop (AFDW) to be held in mid-2019. The 2019 workshop is a continuation of the Africa Faculty Development Workshops that were held in conjunction with the Academy of Management (AOM) at GIMPA in Accra, Ghana, and the University of Rwanda in Kigali. Subsequent workshops have been held at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Business School, Kumasi, Ghana.
The Africa Faculty Development Workshop is a program aimed at promoting excellent PhD and new faculty research, assisting with the advancement of research scholarship, and helping to develop the next generation of Africa’s academic leaders. The workshop invites (on a competitive basis) 15-18 scholars from across the African continent to engage in an intensive week-long workshop to improve upon the theory, methodology, and presentation of their research projects. Facilitators for the workshop are senior scholars from around the globe with expertise in various management fields. The workshop includes interactive paper development sessions, presentations and networking opportunities. One of the goals of the workshop is to improve the publication potential of African scholarship into well regarded academic journals. The workshop is open to participation by junior faculty members and advanced PhD students whose research focuses on organizational and management issues in business, government, and civil society in Africa.
About the Africa Academy of Management (AFAM)
AFAM is a not-for-profit association of academics and practitioners interested in advancing research and education about management in Africa. Its membership is comprised of academics, students and practitioners in all regions of Africa and the diaspora. In 2016, AFAM became an affiliate of the Academy of Management. AFAM believes management knowledge can make a significant contribution to productivity and prosperity in Africa. Our mission is to promote research and education about management and organizations in Africa. Initiatives include research capacity building, the mentoring of doctoral students, guiding and developing junior faculty, building collaborative networks among scholars, and advocating interest and focus on management in Africa internationally. Since its founding, AFAM has held four successful international conferences in San Antonio, TX, USA in 2011, at the University of Botswana in 2014, Strathmore Business School in Nairobi, Kenya in 2016, and in 2018 at the School of Commerce, Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia.
Proposal Submission
All proposals are due by August 31, 2018 and should be sent to The proposals should also include a letter from the appropriate University or Faculty official indicating support for the proposal. Proposals will be evaluated by the Executive Committee of AFAM on a competitive basis and the selected host will be notified by September 30, 2018.
Proposals to host the workshop should explicitly indicate the ability and commitment to fulfilling the requirements (see minimum requirements listed below) and how your institution will achieve each of the requirements. For example, proposals should include information about facilities in terms of room and space availability, quality and availability of catering services, audio visual and IT facilities, staffing resources, hotel/accommodation options, etc. The proposal should clearly indicate who will be the designated contact person for the host institution and his/her affiliation. We also need to know what institutional processes are required to finalize a formal MOU. Proposals can also provide details of any other proposed activities or contributions that would add value to the 2019 AFD workshop. AFAM reserves five (5) spaces in the workshops for doctoral students and junior faculty for the host institution.
Minimum Requirements to Host the 2019 Africa Faculty Development Workshop AFAM and Host Responsibilities
See the attached document for details.