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AFAM Membership Sign-Up

Membership Sign-Up

Welcome! Please sign up for a new AFAM Membership.

All membership fees cover a two-year membership cycle. AFAM membership options are Academic (Diaspora), Practitioner (Diaspora), Academic (Africa), Practitioner (Africa), Student, and Institutional. Please select a membership option and fill out the required information to complete the registration process.

Academic (Diaspora): A researcher and, or teacher in a college, university or research institution outside Africa; including those individuals with an Emeritus Status. Practitioner (Diaspora): A non-academic management consultant or practitioner located outside of Africa.

Academic (Africa): A researcher and, or teacher in a college, university or research institution in Africa; including those individuals with an Emeritus Status. Practitioner (Africa): A non-academic management consultant or practitioner located in Africa.

A graduate student with an interest in the field of management. A proof of student status will be required.

AFAM is offering a special institutional membership rate of $30 dollars instead of $40 per person if six (6) or more academic staff would like to join together.
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
Membership Registration - Details
Please provide your organization, employer, or name of your affiliation.