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Sessions 2026

1). Junior Faculty: The Junior Faculty Session will focus on career advancement and publication in top tier journals like Africa Journal of Management, Academy of Management Journal (AMJ), Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Discoveries, and Journal of Applied Psychology.

2). Doctoral students: The session will focus on issues related to completion of the doctoral program. Through panel and roundtable discussions led by leading prominent global scholars with interest and expertise in Africa, participants will reflect on the process and lessons of research, teaching, and life in academia and Africa specifically. Moreover, it will also focus on publications in top tier journals like Africa Journal of Management, Academy of Management Journal (AMJ), Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Discoveries, and Journal of Applied Psychology.

There is no charge for the Consortium; however, accepted participants must register for and participate in the regular AFAM conference. Applicants will go through a selection process set out by AFAM. Moreover, participants should cover the cost of travel to and accommodation in Egypt.

Highlights of this year's Consortium include:

  • A session with Editors of top Management Journals, 
  • A research feedback session with leading scholars,
  • A variety of panels and discussions on publishing in high quality journals, effective teaching, and managing an academic career,
  • Networking with leading faculty and fellow faculty/doctoral students,
  • Career development and career choices, and
  • An informal after-session social on January 7th.