2020 AFAM Emerging Scholar Publishing Workshop
9 August 2020, 1:00PM to 2:00PM
Objective of Workshop
The purpose of this PDW session is to assist early career scholars focusing on management in Africa who have limited experience in publishing high impact research to complete a high quality research paper for later submission. The PDW will help early career scholars to understand the key elements of writing an empirical paper for publication. We intend for you to develop relationships with our senior scholars that we hope will continue after the 2020 Academy of Management meeting with the goal of getting your manuscript submitted and published in a top-tier journal. If you would like a senior scholar to review your manuscript, please send it to Dr. Hermann Ndofor by 31 July 2020, and we will assign a leading scholar to discuss your work with you in a one-to-one developmental feedback session in a supportive environment. Thus, a unique aspect of this initiative is that the developmental relationship is goal-directed; it is focused on a specific task (improving a drafted manuscript) that leads to critical short- term results (publication), career enhancement (more publications on management in Africa), and, ultimately, participants’ long-term productivity as management scholars. In addition to improving the careers of early career scholars, this PDW will support the Academy’s vision to strengthen the breadth of management scholarship to be more inclusive and AFAM’s mission to advance knowledge and scholarship in management and organization issues in Africa.
This workshop comprises scholars who have served as editors, associate editors, and editorial board members of leading journals, such as ASQ, AMJ, AMR, Academy of Management Annals, JAP, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, OBHDP, AMLE, Group and Organization Management, Human Relations, British Journal of Management, Journal of Business and Psychology, and Organization.
Who Can Participate
This workshop is for early career management scholars (i.e. junior faculty) holding the rank of lecturer, senior lecturer, or assistant professor. Doctoral students are encouraged to attend this PDW in order to learn about the writing and review process. Please register by June 30th!
NOTE: Please see the attach file for details.