Dear AFAM Family,
A couple of months ago we shared with you information on a partnership between AFAM and University of Michigan (see 1 below). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a face-to-face session could not be held. As a result, a virtual ICOS seminar was held in October (see 2 below). The recorded seminar may be watched as a group (preferably) or individually to stimulate reflection and discourse. You may then send questions to the Directors. If you plan to have a watch-party as a group, please let the Directors, particularly Jim Westphal, know.
Yours truly,
- Dear AFAM member,
Greetings from the University of Michigan! This Fall, the University is hosting a seminar series on race and inequality in organizations. The seminar is provided by Michigan ICOS (the Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizational Studies), and features cutting-edge research from organizational scholars in a variety of disciplines, including management, psychology, sociology, education, and communication. We would like to cordially invite all interested members of AFAM to watch recordings of these seminars online. Please see for a list of speakers and links to the recordings.
Thank you. We hope you enjoy the seminars!
Lilia Cortina
Jim Westphal
ICOS Co-directors - We've had terrific presentations in our ICOS seminar this Fall, on the theme of race and inequality in organizations. I wanted to follow up about the possibility of arranging a "video watch party", in which AFAM members could watch one of our best presentations in synchronous fashion (perhaps over zoom), at a time that's convenient for you and much of the membership. The idea would be to provide an opportunity for folks to share their reactions, comments, and questions while watching the presentation (via the chat). I could perhaps channel the feedback, questions, and comments that arise back to the speaker afterwards, and ask them to respond in some fashion to the themes that emerge. What do you think of this approach?
All of the presentations have been great, but the last two have been particularly strong, and potentially of interest to a broad audience. Here are links to the abstracts and recordings of these presentations: