Guest Co-Editors:
Mira Slavova, University of Warwick, UK
Samuel Aryee, University of Surrey, UK
Jako Volschenk, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
April L. Wright, University of Warwick, UK
Sarel Gronum, University of Queensland, Australia
Sandra Pereira, University of Warwick, UK
Studying and advancing management education practice in Africa holds a lot of promise. Firstly, improving management education stands to contribute to enhancing productivity, economic development, and prosperity in Africa, vital aims for academics and practitioners in Africa and in the diaspora (Akoto & Akoto, 2018; Honig & Hjortsø, 2018; B. D. Zoogah, 2021). Secondly, documenting and disseminating African pedagogical practices stands to enrich global management education (Walsh, 2015). To paraphrase Barnard (2020), sharing insights from a unique “African vantage point” can open up dialog about pedagogical theory and practice. Highlighting non-Western ways of teaching can challenge global knowledge hierarchies, encourage reflexivity and benefit creative innovation in teaching and learning.
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