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Call for Chapter Contributions to: Management Education & Automation

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Dr. Hamid H Kaz...
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Call for Chapter Contributions to: Management Education & Automation

Book Editors: Hamid Kazeroony, Walden University, USA & Denise Tsang, Reading University, UK.

Book Purpose:
The aim of this book is two folds: it refocuses the conversation about the required skillsets for those who manage global enterprises locally or globally; and it redefines the domain of international management in light of changes from traditional conversation concerning cross border cultural management to the continuous changes in processes resulting from organizational interactions with the open system, requiring realignment of international manager’s approaches to new realities.

This book will help management educators reorient to adequately address (a) the nature of change in the workplace based on the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data and (b) grasp the effects of multi-polar international political system on deglobalization and glocalisation of economies in providing the correct insights and pathways, to ensure their students’ success after graduation.
We ask for chapter contributions for a book that will be published by Routledge which will make significant contributions to the theory and practice of International Management Education (IME) by enhancing our understanding of the role of automation and ecological factors on the required skillsets for the future graduates of business and management programs and schools. The chapters will cover multidisciplinary issues across a wide range of contexts and perspectives. The book consists of seven themes

A. Section I lays the groundwork about how the current international management education has changed, what are the changes, and the key issues educators should consider in reorienting themselves.
B. Section II explores the shifts in the techno-economic framework within which managers and leaders operate.
C. Section III envisions the future of economic ecosystem and will assess that which international management educators must change to help their students be successful after graduation.
D. Section IV through VII provides a framework for planning, organizing, leading, and implementing systematic processes in reorienting the international teaching paradigm for the future.
Each section would include mutiple chapters (please see attachment for chapter suggestions), each about 5000-6000 words

Important Dates
• Submission of extended proposal (1,500 words approx.) by 25th April 2020
• Notification of accepted book chapter proposal by 30th April 2020
• Receipt of full book chapter submission (approximately 5500-6000 words) by 30th May 2020
• Chapter authors receive reviews with feedback by 1st July 2020
• Final revised manuscript for publication due by 30th October 2020
• Anticipated publication schedule for the Handbook is January/February 2021
Please forward your inquiries to:
Hamid Kazeroony,