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GRDO Book Series

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Dr. Hamid H Kaz...
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Joined: 02/13/2017 - 10:46pm
GRDO Book Series

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to bring the following new book series opportunity to your attention. Please feel free to contact me should you or any of your colleagues may have a proposal in mind.


Call for Book Proposals
The new book series entitled 'Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organizations (GRDO)' is aimed at publishing rigorous, innovative and multidisciplinary scholarship for exploration of new areas of development, and re-examination of the existing GRDO knowledge. While the scope of this series is to include the foundation subject domains of gender, race, diversity, and class, and their continued re-examination, the purpose of this series is also to address the emerging themes including inter alia: religion, age, disability and LGBTIQ, and their intersections at the local, regional, and global levels. The series is also committed to link GRDO themes with current identity politics and complex markers of belonging and/or labour movements such as new formations of feminist movements such as Islamic feminisms, nationalism(s), management issues related to refugees and migrants.
For this book series, we will be commissioning scholar/editors to contribute edited volumes, handbooks and monographs. Further details about the different book types or format that are acceptable within this series and proposal guidelines can be found here.
Book proposals should propose core themes and emerging areas of research and thought leadership.
The Series Editors, Hamid H. Kazeroony, (Walden University), Beverly Dawn Metcalfe (American University of Beirut), Jawad Syed, Lahore University of Management Sciences), Edwina Pio (Auckland University of Technology), and Faiza Ali (Lahore University of Management Sciences) are currently accepting new book proposals. We are particularly interested in topics that integrate theory about diversity, inclusion and xenophobia, disability in the digital age, migration, citizenship and diversity, gender: stories of success and unresolved challenges, religion, indigenous issues and LGBTIQ related issues. Specific topics include but are not limited to:

• Masculinities and organizations/International Critiques of masculinities
• Feminists research methods and organization
• Gender, race and leadership in developing economies
• Women in China and organization
• Women in Asia and international development
• Women in Africa and HRD
• Women and management in former communist states
• Sexuality, management and organization
• Gender, diversity and organization in Latin America
• Feminist theory and organization in China
• Women’s leadership in public administration
• Women’s leadership in education
• Women, civil society and development
• Gender, migration and HRM
• Gender criminalization
• Whiteness Studies
• Gender, race and diversity in the Middle East

Proposal guidelines: Books/edited collections
For books (monographs and edited collections), authors should send us:
• A one-page cover letter that explains the concept and aims of the proposed book.
• A description of the intended readership including discussion of: (a) whether the readership will be especially strong in any particular geographic area, (b) whether the book is useful to an academic or practitioner audience, (c) whether the book is intended as a textbook, and if so, at what level.
• A description of how the proposed volume differs from other books currently on the market, including a commentary on what other material has been published on this topic.
• A brief CV, including selected, relevant research, scholarship and publications
• A detailed Table of Contents or, for an edited collection, and a list of possible/probable contributors.
• An indication of the intended size of the book, in terms of number of words.
• A few sample chapters including an introductory chapter.
• A proposed timeline, including likely completion date.
• Suggestions on how the book might be marketed (key audiences, networks that may be interested, potential course adoptions) and whether there are possibilities for bulk purchases by the author(s) or his or her organisation(s).
We encourage proposals from academics, business practitioners, policy makers, community leaders, activists and individual citizens.
Proposals should be submitted to:
• Hamid Kazeroony:
• Beverly Dawn Metcalfe:
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need more specific guidance or would like to discuss a proposal.
Series Editors
Beverly Dawn Metcalfe is Visiting Professor in International Management and Development at Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia. Her research explores women's leadership development and empowerment in the Middle East, NGOs and social movements and Islamic Feminisms and entrepreneurial development. She has published in journals including inter alia: Human Relations, International HRM, Journal of Business Ethics and Gender Work and Organization. She has held Visiting Professorships at Griffith and Monash Universities in Australia, Helwan University in Egypt, and St Petersburg State Polytechnic University in Russia. She has worked with governments and women's organizations in the Middle East to support women's development, and her work has informed policy developments in the Middle East in the areas of women's leadership, capacity building and national HRD planning. She has worked at Manchester, Liverpool Hope and Hull Universities in the UK. Beverly Dawn Metcalfe is passionate about challenging inequalities in the global economy and the role of education in supporting human development. She has been involved with the EURAM SIG since 2005 and is currently SIG Chairwoman.
Edwina Pio is University Director of Diversity, in a position annexed to her substantive role as professor in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law. She is New Zealand’s first Professor of Diversity, a Fulbright alumna and recipient of a Duke of Edinburgh fellowship. She is a thought leader and knowledgeable interpreter in diversity in business, communities and education and her passion for interdisciplinary scholarship encompass the intersections of work, ethnicity, religion and pedagogy. Professor Pio is programme co-chair of the European Academy of Management, Research Leader of the Immigration and Inclusion Group, Co-director of the Global Centre for Equality & Human Rights and Fellow of the New Zealand India Research Institute.
Faiza Ali is an Assistant Professor at Suleman Dawood School of Business, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). She also holds the position of Director at Social Enterprise Development Centre (SEDC). Prior to this, she served as Lecturer/Senior lecturer at University of Kent and Liverpool John Moores University, UK respectively. Her research focuses on diversity management and gender equality at workplace. She has published her work in number of renowned journals such Gender, Work and Organisations; International Journal of Human Resource Management and Asia Pacific Journal of Management. Her current research focuses on refugees at work, harassment at workplace and emotional labour in different sectors.
Hamid H Kazeroony is a professor at Walden University, Ph.D. Program, USA, Co-Chair of Gender and Diversity in Organization, EURAM, Membership Committee Chair, AOM, and Symposium and Caucus Chair, Africa Academy of Management. His research reflects his interest in the way methods of production and diversity impact organizational leaders, institutions, values, and ethics manifested in his recent editorial contributions to a wide range of academic books and journals.
Jawad Syed Jawad Syed, PhD, Academic FCIPD, is Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Leadership at the Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB), Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). His main research interests include international human resource management, diversity management, organisational knowledge, leadership, and business ethics. He is a Programme Co-Chair of European Academy of Management’s (EURAM) Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organisations (GRDO) Special Interest Group. He is a director of the Global Centre for Equality and Human Rights (GCEHR) and coordinator of the South Asian Academy of Management (SAAM).

Dr. Hamid H. Kazeroony, SHRM-SCP, SPHR
Cell: 651-604-7150
Contributing Faculty
Ph.D. Management Program
School of Management
College of Management and Technology
Walden University
100 Washington Avenue South, Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55401