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Submitted by AFAM on Tue, 04/20/2021 - 8:42pm

We are delighted to invite applications for a Feminist Social Sciences and Humanities Writing and Publishing Workshop to be held at Manchester Metropolitan University on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th December 2021. 

This event is an intensive 2-day workshop for UK-based feminist early career researchers (ECRS) in the social sciences and humanities from the “Global South” to work with feminist journal editors to develop a working paper into a publication-worthy piece. The event will also provide the space for ECRs to engage with editors in critical conversations around the lack of “Global South” feminist voices in academic journals and how we can tackle these with care and solidarity.

Africa Academy of Management (AFAM) 2021 Online Webinar Series

Submitted by AFAM on Thu, 03/04/2021 - 9:21pm

The global support of the Black Lives Matter movement re-ignited discussions on the role of institutions, including Business Schools, in propagating racial, tribal and social injustices.  Historical legacies of injustice and inequality are often perpetuated through what is taught (including a Eurocentric curriculum) or not taught, the kind of research undertaken, and the nature of external partnerships forged by business schools and accreditation bodies in Africa. Moreover, the cultures of inequality and silencing of voices is often perpetuated through internal structures, systems and processes of institutions.  This reality calls for reimagining business schools for the future and their role in Africa’s development.  This webinar will discuss decolonization and indigenisation efforts within institutions in Africa, and how they might transform business schools in Africa to develop a more equal, prosperous and just society.

Application Instructions for AFAM AFDW Workshops 2021 - Deadline Extension

Submitted by AFAM on Sat, 02/27/2021 - 10:57pm

The effective management of organizations and institutions in Africa has never before been so important in realizing the continent’s potential for growth and socio-economic development. However, the management capabilities of institutions in Africa frequently appear uncertain, despite a growing need for good governance, higher standards and increasing professionalization. These outcomes can only be realized through high quality local research that advances theory and practice about management in Africa.


Submitted by AFAM on Sat, 01/23/2021 - 11:10am

The continuing Covid-19 pandemic poses considerable challenges for effectively organizing our usually small interactive conferences with their hallmarks of lively intellectual exchanges in a supportive and non-threatening environment. Given the uncertainties about when the pandemic will be tamed and normal life resumed, the AFAM executive team (in consultation with the German University in Cairo’s Local Organizing Committee) has decided to postpone the scheduled AFAM 2022 conference to January 2023. We are grateful to the German University in Cairo for agreeing to host the rescheduled conference.

Professional Development Workshop

Submitted by AFAM on Tue, 12/01/2020 - 6:46pm

Are you coming to the 6bth Biennial AFAM Conference in Cairo, Egypt in January 2022? Are you a junior scholar who is interested in getting feedback on your paper? Are you interested in exploring the opportunities and processes for developing theories of management and organization that are indigenous to Africa.? 

Sinergie SIMA Management Conference

Submitted by AFAM on Sat, 11/14/2020 - 5:13am

Sinergie and Sima’s common aim is to develop the contribution of Italian scholars to the international debate on management issues. Since 2016, Sinergie and Sima work together to organize the annual conference, a scientific event based on the experience that Sinergie has matured over 30 years of activity and on Sima’s academic network. The Sinergie-Sima conference is therefore a well-established scientific meeting that brings together scholars from the field of management to present and discuss their research in a collaborative and friendly environment.

AFAM Newsletter - October 2020

Submitted by AFAM on Wed, 10/21/2020 - 10:56pm

As we usher in a new decade, our nations, insti-tutions, and communities are facing grand chal-lenges that include the impact of climate change, corruption, poor governance, persistent inequali-ty, and political instability which collectively, de-fine the context of management education and practice.

Social Entrepreneurship Webinar Series on Research Skills

Submitted by AFAM on Thu, 09/24/2020 - 12:30am

ANSES (African Network of Social Entrepreneurship Scholars) is an academic network committed to enabling the capacity of scholars to conduct research on social entrepreneurship in Africa. To this end, ANSES has put together a webinar series and invites you to sign up. While mainly targeted at social entrepreneurship scholars, the webinar series is open to anyone who wishes to attend. The series is sponsored by VLIR-UOS’ Social Enterprise project, which is a collaboration between the University of Pretoria and KU Leuven.


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