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Message to AFAM Members - Winter 2022

Submitted by AFAM on Mon, 12/13/2021 - 11:58pm

Greetings from the University of Michigan! From January 14th through April 8th of 2022, Michigan ICOS is once again hosting its weekly seminar on contemporary theory and research on organizations and organizing. The list of speakers is provided below, with further detail in the attached. We’re planning to hold the seminar in a hybrid format, with zoom access for those who cannot attend in-person. We would like to cordially invite you to join us for these live sessions. The talks will be held 1:30-3:00pm Eastern Standard Time.

ICOS Announcement

Submitted by AFAM on Sun, 11/14/2021 - 10:04pm

Dear AFAM Family,

A couple of months ago we shared with you information on a partnership between AFAM and University of Michigan (see 1 below). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a face-to-face session could not be held. As a result, a virtual ICOS seminar was held in October (see 2 below). The recorded seminar may be watched as a group (preferably) or individually to stimulate reflection and discourse. You may then send questions to the Directors. If you plan to have a watch-party as a group, please let the Directors, particularly Jim Westphal, know.


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